
You Know How I Know I'm Old?

The "lamest" things excite me.  This weekend, it was one of the lamest ones I could think of. I'm almost ashamed to admit it.  My husband and I got a Costco membership. I bought it online and we made plans to go redeem it Saturday morning, to avoid the crowds.  Friday night, I swear to you, I couldn't sleep from the excitement. You could've sworn I was going on vacation or something.  It was our first time going to Costco to shop for ourselves. I have been to one before, but I was there with the company card, buying some desserts for a Christmas party, trying to avoid the crazy ass crowd, so I don't count that experience.  This time my visit was for leisure. I had a list in hand, plans in my mind, and money in the bank, so we were ready.  I woke up all by myself, no alarm needed and was downstairs and ready to go before my husband, which is not the norm for me.  We headed out there and it was everything we wanted it to be. All the things we could need, under o

Confession Time...

So I have a confession to make. A dirty, dark secret to tell. I won't even go into too much detail because of the shame. Sooo...I had access to the password for the email of someone I highly disliked. For a while now, I've been checking it randomly, and being gleeful when things seemed to not be going this persons way. Yes, I know, total invasion of privacy, I'm a bad person. I feel bad admitting it, but had this person not changed their password today, you better believe I would still be checking it. It's like the end of an era. Part of me feels a little sad that I will no longer be "in the know." Another part of me feels like I should've stopped checking that email a long time ago and this will be healthy for me. But this person's life is such a clusterfuck that it's so entertaining to read about the disasters going on. It's never anything life threatening, I wouldn't go as far as gaining joy from someone's misery to that extent. But

Happy 2016!

Well that last sentence on my previous post was a complete lie. I totally failed on posting more often. There's a number of reasons...but the main one is that I haven't really felt like writing, not just on this blog, but at home. My writing has definitely decreased, I've been immersing myself in reading and that has taken up most of my spare time. But here I am, welcoming the new year with open arms. Back from my vacation to Mexico (more on that later, that hot mess requires its own post!) and back at work, reluctant to get 100% back into the swing of things. It's partially because I am sick as a dog and have been for the past week, and partially because after being away from work for so long, it's hard to just pick up where you left off. But yet here I am, getting what I can done. We arrived back from Mexico Thursday, on New Year's Eve, around 2:30-3pm. My sister picked us up from the airport, and we arrived and did most of our unpacking, then we showered, got

September's Here

And just like that....summer's almost over. Somebody needs to let Mother Nature know, though. We've had a pretty mild summer, so of course when September rolls around, it wants to be 90 degrees. Nice. Work has been kicking my butt in that there's been lots of it. But I'm not complaining, that's what they pay me the big bucks for. Ha! I wish. But again, not complaining. On the work front, all is well so far. I mean, there's issues and frustrations from time to time, but nothing compared to how things were before for me, so I'm really not complaining. It's still not as bad as before, so I will gladly accept it. Some people in my department actually tease me because I seem so happy-go-lucky all the time. I'm all about participating in events and being a team player. How lame, ha ha. Such a 360 from the past. See what a big difference a healthy work environment makes? Geez, what a concept. Speaking of participation, we have a "Day of Service" e

Upcoming Vacation

I'm going on vacation in December! I'm excited! My husband and his whole family are going *cue record scratching*. Okay, so going on vacation with my inlaws is not my ideal situation, buuuuut I'm trying to be positive about it, trying really, really hard. And so far, I'm succeeding by keeping my mind on the wonderful locations we are going to visit. We are going to a few different parts of Mexico; Oaxaca, Chiapas and Mexico City. I've heard that there are some beautiful places in these parts of Mexico plus I'll be by the beach, which is my #1 favorite place, so therefore I am definitely maintaining a positive outlook on this trip. Don't get me wrong, I'm too realistic to not know that there will be times of frustration and impatience, and lots of biting my tongue involved (at least I hope I'm able to bite my tongue throughout the duration of our trip), but I'm still hoping it'll be worth it in the end. And if not, that will be the first AND l


I wish I could say I feel bad when I hear about your troubles. I wish I could muster up even an ounce of sympathy. But I can't. Does that make me a bad person? Probably. Frankly, I don't give a damn. You never did, I am following your example. No sympathy. No empathy. No cares or concerns for anyone but yourself. So you can't really be surprised, can you? Knowing you, you probably can. Forever the innocent victim. Ha. I won't go as far as laugh in your face. Or gain pleasure from your situation. But will I care? Absolutely not. Will I worry for you? Nope. Do I feel you deserve it? I'd be lying if I said I didn't. You reap what you sow. And you've sowed nothing but evil for as long as I've known you. So now that's it's heading your way, it feels...meant to be. Not something I wished for, but something that makes sense in the grand scheme of things. Karma. It's here and it'll make you pay. For all the tears, pain and hopelessness you caused


Today is my husband's birthday. Yesterday was my brother's birthday. In 4 days is my sister's birthday. Lots of celebrations to be had. We kicked it off early last weekend with a trip to an orchard to pick peaches and cherries. It was super hot, but fun. Lots of walking, too. But it's always good to get some exercise. Our main goal was to hit the beach, but we stopped on our way to do a little truffle tasting. They were delish! I'm upset because I bought some and they melted in the car and I didn't get to enjoy them at all. Oh well, maybe next time. The place is only an hour and a half from my parent's house, so hopefully we'll go back soon. After the truffle tasting, we headed to the beach. I had a blast. I love swimming, love being in the water. Not crazy about the sunburn, but luckily, it wasn't so bad this time. I can't say the same for my brother, as he ended up getting buried in the sand, and knocked out. His shoulders were left exposed,  a